Workshop 3: CAQDAS - NVivo 9 for Intermediate (Dr. Suria Baba)
Workshop Agenda
This hands-on workshop is a basic introduction to NVivo 9. It will provide you with the
information and practice you need to get started with your own project. Using sample data,
you’ll create a project in NVivo and will work with a range of material like documents, audio,
video, pictures, spreadsheets and database tables. On the second session, we will go beyond
the basics to asking questions of your data and your analysis, using grouping tools, text analysis,
queries, and visualizations. You will also get a chance to practice what you’ve learned with your
own data. Here’s an outline of the course:
Introducing NVivo and setting up a project
- Introducing NVivo’s workspace
- Creating and navigating around a project
- Working with your information
- Importing documents, videos, audio files, images and datasets
- Classifying material
- Working with external data like written notes and books
- Creating memos and annotations
- Sorting, organizing and analyzing your information
- Identifying themes, topics or ideas and collecting data to support them
- Introducing ‘nodes’ including node folders and creating nodes
- Working with your themes and ideas and shaping your findings
- Viewing your emerging themes, topics or ideas and their content
- Classifying, moving, merging and aggregating your themes, topics or ideas
- Models and relationships
- Building and working with models as a way to display ideas
- Creating and showing relationships in your data
- Exploring your data
- Using text analysis tools including word frequency and text search queries
- Running coding based queries including coding, matrix coding, and grouped queries
- Saving queries and storing your results
- Visualizing your data
- Creating two and three dimensional charts to illustrate findings
- Presenting query results as ‘tree maps’ and ‘word trees’ to show patterns in your data
- Reporting and presenting your findings
- Creating standard and customizable reports and extracts
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