Conference Information


Qualitative Research Association Malaysia (QRAM) invites you to participate in this year’s international convention at Putrajaya Marriott Hotel, Malaysia. This biennial convention aims to bring together academics and students to share and learn about qualitative research as well as its issues and concerns. The focus on the theory and practice of qualitative research is intentional and serves as a revisit to topics featured by QRAM because learning about this methodology is non-exhaustive.
Prospective participants are encouraged to submit their research in the following areas that address the theory and practice of qualitative research:

• Philosophical assumptions
• Approaches and designs
• Data collection tools
• Data collection procedure
• Data analysis
• Sampling
• Validity and reliability
• Writing qualitative
• Doing qualitative
• Interdisciplinary issues


Abstract submission (2nd call): September 15th, 2011
Full Paper submission: October 15th, 2011
Registration for Pre-Conference workshop: September 1st, 2011 (35 pax per workshop only). Note: Only those who paid the workshop fee will secure a place.
Early Bird Registration: September 1st, 2011 (especially for paper presenters)