Guidelines for Submission of Abstract and Full Paper
Call for Abstracts/Presentations
Note/Update: All potential paper presenters are strongly advised to sign-up first at our Convention Online Registration.
The Conference Goal
The goal of the 2011 Qualitative Research Conference is to explore methodological, theoretical and substantive issues in qualitative research. This year’s conference aims to highlights the interdisciplinary nature of qualitative research i.e the mosaic of qualitative research.
Hence, QRAM QRC2011 seeks:
1) research in the social, behavioral, health, arts and human sciences that fits the definition of qualitative research methods.
2) methodological issues that advance knowledge about qualitative research methods.
To this end, we invite you and friends to join us as participants as well as presenters. We welcome theoretical, empirical, and methodological papers from both novice and veteran scholars, whether it is in progress or a completed piece from all disciplines interested in qualitative inquiry along the following tracks :
• Emerging Qualitative Methods/Design
• Reflexivity and Theory in Qualitative Inquiry
• Innovations in Qualitative Data Collection Techniques
• The Use of Technology in Qualitative Research
• Ethical Boundaries
• Debating Standards in Qualitative Research
• From words to textual datum of analysis
• Structuring qualitative reporting
If your paper does not fit into these categories, but is related to qualitative inquiry in some way, we still very much encourage you to send in an abstract.
Instructions for Submitting
IMPORTANT:Please register online at the conference website: CONFERENCE REGISTRATION
a) Abstracts are to be submitted in English only
b) Late submissions may not be published in the official abstract book.
c) Only the name of presenting author will appear in the final programme book
d) The abstract should not contain work that has been previously published or presented elsewhere.
e) Submit abstracts on or before September 15, 2011 to as email attachment.
Guidelines for Abstract Submission
Please state which track the paper is addressing.
a) Text must be in typed single-space, with only left margin justified. using Time New Roman font size 12 pt. Do not use italic.
b) Title: Abstract should include a short precise title in bold capital letters. Leave one blank line after the title.
c) Authors and Affiliations: The list of authors’ names and initials should be followed by the authors’ institutions, cities, states. Omit degrees and title. The presenter’s name is to be underlined even if there is only one author.
d) Abstract Text: Leave one blank line between the affiliations and the beginning of the abstract text. Do not include graphs, tables and references in the abstract.
e) Avoid using abbreviations in the title and institution address. Define abbreviations at their first mention; spell out numbers less than 10, unless followed by units of measurement.
Guidelines for Full Paper Submission
Note: Full papers must be submitted with the registration fee. Papers submitted without registration fee will not be accepted for presentation. The following requirements are necessary for full paper submissions to ensure publication consistency and uniformity for both the proceedings and prospective publications.
1. Format
• Use 12 point Times New Roman font
• Saved in Microsoft word/RTF format
• Single line spacing
• Justified alignment, page setup - 25mm margins (left/right/top/bottom).
• Leave one blank line between paragraphs.
• Indent the first line of each paragraph.
• Page numbers should appear centered in the footer of the document.
2. Length
• Should not exceed 8 pages (Inclusive of reference list)
3. Title/ Author/ Abstract/ Keywords
• Typeset the title in 16 point Times New Roman, uppercase, bold face and center alignment.
• Typeset complete list of authors in 12 point Times New Roman Italics, complete with affiliation and e-mail addresses.
• Typeset the abstract in 11 point Times New Roman with an indentation of 30mm (left/right).
• Typeset similarly for keywords. (Please refer to example below)
Please refer to the following attachment for reference. - Full Paper Sample.doc
4. References
• The American Psychological Association (APA) 6th edition style will be the conference format.
• Please refer to the following website for samples -
5. Acknowledgements
• All acknowledgements to specific individuals and or organizations can be included before the references.
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