"Quality in Qualitative Research: Standards and Best Practices"
Marriot Putrajaya, Putrajaya, Malaysia
7-9th December 2009
Updated 1st December 2009
The Qualitative Research Association Malaysia (QRAM) is pleased to announce the 5th QRC 2009 that specifically addresses issues on quality related to standards and best practices in the processes of doing qualitative research.
The QRC2009 offers a mix of keynote presentations, invited symposium, working papers, posters and workshops. QRC2009 invites papers in relation to the theme in relation to data collection and analysis as well as methodological issues that advance knowledge on qualitative research from a wide variety of international perspectives and disciplines. We invite abstracts (100 -150 words and biodata) to be submitted to by 20th October 2009.
• To discuss issues in relation to ensuring quality in qualitative research.
• To identify best practices in qualitative methodologies.
• To gather expert and novice practitioners of qualitative research from various disciplines to share experiences and challenges in doing qualitative research.